Thursday, August 5, 2010

for my mom's birthday

Last July 25, my mom marked a milestone: she turned diamond! ( That sounds better than putting an age which she will probably disown.) We set up a blog for her and asked our family and friends of hers to post their greetings for her. We had a theme of: My unforgettable memory of Aleli is...We are happy to hear from some people whom she has not seen in years or had contact with. Both my brothers waxed eloquent in expressing their love for mom. That was a real eye opener for me and it warmed my heart to read how they felt for her.

Below, is my post to my mom:

As long as I can remember, my mom's beauty haunted me since I was a little girl. People would tell me: "Your mom is very beautiful (and add rather apologetically) but you look like your dad." So I grew up aware that I could never match my mom's good looks. That thought disappointed me to no end but as I grew, I became aware that even if I would never be a beauty like her, at least I was attractive in my own little way.

When I got married, mom was already living in LA for several years. Doug and I had planned our wedding up to the last detail. Mom and dad did not arrive in Manila until a few days before the wedding. She had no idea what my gown would look like nor how I would have my hair fixed.

I dressed up in a friend's house where I was boarding for the last few months. Sandra stayed with me on the eve of my wedding because the make-up artist was also going to do her face. We travelled together in the bridal car.

When I got to the church, Sandra and Carlo left to make sure that every one was ready for the processional. I stayed in the car and waited for my cue. Mom came down the church steps and peeped in the car window. I lowered the window and said, "Hi mom." She looked at me with a big smile and gushed: "You're so pretty!" I couldn't believe it! Mom's first compliment to me about my looks!

When I walked down that aisle, I must have exuded a special glow not only because I was marrying the man I love but also because I was complimented by the most beautiful person in my life: my mom.

Happy birthday mom! No matter what age, you will always be beautiful---inside and out!


  1. Happy DIAMOND Birth Year to Tita Aleli!

  2. Love the title of your blog. Forest Gump was one of my favorite movies. I really enjoyed reading the posts on your blog. I would like to invite you to come on over to my blog and check it out. God's blessings. Lloyd
