Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I Am Thankful!

On Monday, Oct. 11 all of Canada celebrated Thanksgiving. It is a wonderful celebration that brings together families and friends, good memories, great food and lots of laughter! Over here in the Philippines, we often let this special day slip by mainly because there is no Phil. Thanksgiving Day which serves as a reminder and we are often so busy with everything else! This year, a Canadian visited our church on Sunday and greeted Doug a Happy Thanksgiving Day. Right there and then, we decided to celebrate by having a special meal with food that is otherwise contraband (like sweet desserts, ice cream, carbonated drinks, etc.) in our household because of my change in diet. We all enjoyed it though.

As we celebrated Thanksgiving, I thought of all the things I am thankful for and my heart just overflowed with gratitude! Looking back on the year that has passed so far, I know that it is a miracle that I am still alive! This time last year, I struggled with so much pain in my body and lost so much weight. I thought my days were running out. This year I am well! The Lord is merciful and good!

Let me just fill you in with my list of "thank yous." I am thankful for:

*my husband who continually encourages me to reach for my dreams even when I am fearful and whose love gives me strength to go on. I want to grow old with you hon.
*my children who bring laughter and joy to me while challenging me to love them unconditionally - you will always be my babies
*my mom who will always be my best friend - words are not enough to tell you how much I love you
*my step dad who loves my mom and loves us all equally
*my sisters and brothers (and their spouses) whose love and support I can always depend on - my life is full because of you
*my nephews and nieces who make living worthwhile
*relatives whom I may not see often but who love me just the same --- I love you all
*my friends near or far who cry with me, laugh with me, pray for me, listen to me and my ramblings or read my blog posts
*our church family here in Cebu and Canada for all their faithful prayers, support and encouragement
*our YWAM family who have always embraced us through thick or thin
*our ministry supporters who make it possible for us to continue on the field and who continue to give sacrificially
*friends from different churches who treat us as family and who pray for me constantly and give generously
*for new strength every day --- I am grateful that I am given another day to live
*for health
*for weight (I am now 51K!)
*for hair! (even if it is a little too curly for my taste!)
*no pain!
*finances that come in just in the nick of time (God your timing is always perfect!)
*books and movies that make me laugh, stories that make me cry
*God's word that feeds my soul and comforts my heart
*Psalms that give words to my deepest emotions
*Worship songs that cause my spirit to soar into God's presence

Lord, for all that you are to me and for all that you have done --- in two words: thank you; in three words: I love you and in four words: I am yours forever.

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