Thursday, January 27, 2011

From the mouth of babes...

I did something brave this last Christmas. I volunteered to handle the Sunday School Christmas Cantata. It was a simple 30 minute cantata where the kids were going to sing a total of 8 Christmas carols while the young teens did the narration and reading of the Christmas story. Although we did not have very many kids in Sunday School, some children from the squatter/slum area had been attending so I thought it would be great to have them incorporated into the choir.

I did not do it single handedly of course. Other teachers helped with teaching the carols, coming up with the props and costumes, scheduling rehearsals etc. I directed the cantata and oversaw rehearsals. I wouldn’t have done it without all the help I got. I was beginning to have body pains and found myself feeling more tired than usual. There were times when I thought: what did I get myself into?

We only had about a total of 7 practices and 2 general rehearsals and had to contend with low attendance most of the time. Needless to say, we were all excited when Dec. 24 came. Just before we went on stage, we gathered the children in the Sunday School room for last minute instructions. After doing so, I told the kids that I was very proud of them because they always gave their best during the practices and sang with all their hearts. A boy from the slums immediately chirped: I’m proud of you teacher! I smiled, thinking he has just mimicking me.

(The cantata went well despite all the hitches that come with live performances. The children sang wonderfully and even the littlest ones performed well.)

The next day though, I recalled the incident in a different light. When the boy told me he was proud of me, I took it as a message from the Lord. Despite my limitations, he saw my efforts and was proud of me. I was blessed beyond measure and my heart overflowed with joy! My heavenly father was proud of me! You see, I haven’t done much since my health issues came up and I always find myself hesitating to do anything, fearful that I would not be able to accomplish what I had set out to do. I took a step and a risk and found the father pleased. What more can I ask for?

Lord, what would you have me to do?

1 comment:

  1. We'll have to compile all your writings into a book, my friend, like a journal to encourage and inspire others who are going through what you are going through, and even those who aren't. You are such an inspiration!
